Cheshire's Historic Working Water Mill

Become a Volunteer
The Bunbury Watermill Trust is committed to preserving our historic village heritage in full working order as a resource for future generations. Everyone who works at the mill is a volunteer and gives their time without charge.
The Trustees are always very happy to see new faces as volunteers who may like to join the various teams in the upkeep of the mill in whatever way they can. No experience is necessary - just an enthusiasm for the Mill, its surroundings and the Bunbury village heritage.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please do contact us at info@bunburymill.com or, better still, just call in at the mill on a Wednesday morning (after 10.00am!) … we will be down there and even if it’s too miserable to work we just have a chat over a cuppa!

Repairing the guttering

Lifting the top stone
We require help with:
General maintenance
Visitor Centre help
Tour guiding

Repairing the main sluice gate

Tidying the grounds

Replacing the wheel's buckets
Alternatively, If you're not able to volunteer, you might "sponsor a bucket" or...
Perhaps you might visit the mill - everyone who pays for a guided tour is contributing to the running costs (current prices are shown on the Visit Us menu). Sales of the visitors' guide book and mill-related items in the Visitor Centre also provide a modest revenue.
To make a donation for the Mill's upkeep - contact info@bunburymill.com